Content Provider

His memory is not what it was. Whose is? Sometimes, it’s true, he forgets things. But writing a whole book? Who would forget that?

But there are even reviews of it. In fact, three of them. And no one – not the bookstores, not his publisher, nor even his wife – seems in the least bit concerned. Does this mean he’s going crazy?

But the next one is already overdue, and though each day the cursor blinks blankly back at him, he must push on. For it’s not like this book is going to write itself – is it?

Set in the near future, Content Provider is a satirical insight into the life of the jobbing writer, the enduring mysteries of married life, and what happens to our thoughts when there’s no one there to think them.

NOTE: Content Provider is a bonus story in the paperback edition of Mr Wolf

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File Under: Sci-fi/Humor/Philosophy. What’s not to like? Do you know how hard it is to find novels or stories in my favorite genre, Sci-fi/Humor/Philosophy? This very short book (worth every penny!) … had me laughing and quoting lines to my spouse within a few minutes. As I read on, it got better and then started getting a little deeper… So, is the book any good? Yes, it’s great. Written by someone who actually knows how to write, unlike much of the sex-with-aliens that passes for SF these days. If I have to compare the author to anyone, I pick Stanislav Lem, but updated to modern times. (Amazon US reviewer, 5 stars)

A dark, strange, funny, clever story which makes you question everything you think you know. I loved this story. It’s all at once disconcerting, unsettling, intelligent and really funny. Gareth Southwell has this amazing ability to write incredibly readable, interesting, enjoyable stories which are also packed with complex ideas and deep thoughts. Content Provider is about so many things – digital immortality, the self, the difference between knowledge and information, what it means to be a person, the joys of publishing and marriage. As the story unwound, I felt more and more unsettled, and intent on unravelling the mystery. I won’t spoil it, you need to read it for yourself. (Amazon UK reviewer, 5 stars)

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